The Tahitian Tiare

When fully bloomed, the flower has on average, five to eight small, white or cream-colored petals. The flower can take on several shapes, from that of a pinwheel, to a star.
The National Flower of French Polynesia
The Tahitian gardenia, also known as the Gardenia taitensis, or by its original Tahitian name of tiare mā’ohi, is the national flower of The Islands of Tahiti. Most commonly referred to as the Tahitian tiare, this type of gardenia has become a staple in Tahitian culture. The name tiare is derived from the word “tiara” suggesting that the Tahitian tiare is the queen of all the flowers in French Polynesia. In Tahitian, ti refers to a strong presence and are means perfume, scent or fragrance. So, tiare literally means, ‘strong fragrance’. The fragrance of the Tahitian gardenia has long been thought to have healing powers and has been used in spells as protection against witches, as well as for cleansing objects of bad energy or emotions, like anger and envy.
The tiare flower is a symbol of Tahitian culture, people and life. With all the uses of the tiare flower, it is estimated that around 110 million flowers are harvested a year throughout French Polynesia. The tiare is often sung about in songs and spoken of in Tahitian legends.
In ancient Polynesian mythology, the tiare was introduced by the god Ātea. Ātea served as the guardian of the world of men and offered the sacred flower as a gesture of peace to proud mortal men. The flower was accepted by the men and motivated them to abandon their proud ways and adopt a more loving lifestyle. To have the flower maintain its positive power, Ātea engraved his love into the heart of the flower. The tiare has remained a symbol of harmony ever since.
Because of its connection to the gods, the tiare used to be reserved for the elite. Only royalty was allowed to own and harvest the plant. The tiare was also frequently used during religious ceremonies. The eldest virgin daughter of the ari’i (chief) would wear a crown of tiare flowers, which represented the young woman’s purity. The young women who participated in the ceremony would take baskets full of the flowers and spread them over religious sites as a way to purify the sacred place and destroy wicked spirits.
Now, tiare flowers are worn daily in The Islands of Tahiti. Women usually wear open flowers behind their ears, while the men wear unopened flowers. Wearing a flower behind the right ear means that that person is romantically available, and wearing it behind the left ear means that person is unavailable.
Uses For The Tahitian Tiare
As a gesture of welcome and hospitality, guests visiting French Polynesia are customarily greeted with a lei made of unopened tiare flowers.
The flowers are also sewn into flower crowns that are worn during festivals and events.
Many Tahitians also place the flowers in a water-filled saucer so that the fragrance is released throughout their home.
The petals of the tiare flower are traditionally soaked in coconut oil to create the renowned monoi oil. Monoi oil has been incorporated into many hair and skin products including bar soaps, shampoos, tanning oil, and insect repellents. Monoi oil is an essential staple in Tahitian beauty practices.
(Excerpt from Tahiti Tourism website)